As you search for a new job, you may have noticed a significant trend. There are many jobs out there, but many of them are temporary or temp-to-hire positions. Don’t let this discourage you…temporary assignments are a great way to land a job. However, your level of success depends upon your ability to leverage the opportunity. As a leading staffing firm, Snelling has 5 tips to help you do just that:

Introduce Yourself

Companies that use temporary workers to help with demand fluctuations are used to having people coming in and out of their facility. Therefore, it can be very hard to make any kind of impression. So take the initiative. Introduce yourself on the first day, but do it right. Nonverbal actions are just as important as what you say. Firm grip, speak clearly and look the other person in the eye. Remember, channel friendliness …you will be remembered.

Complete your tasks on time

More than anything else on this list, showing that you will do what you will say will do – on time – will make more of a positive impression than probably anything else on this list. Now, please pay attention to the other 4 points on this list, but if you do you work, you do your work correctly and you complete your work on time, your supervisors will notice. Even if you are in a temporary position, this impression will go a long way in cultivating either an additional assignment or possible full-time employment.

Follow the rules and respect boundaries

As a temp, it can be difficult to keep all the different rules and policies straight among all the different companies you may work out. However, try…especially as it concerns dress code, gossip, start / stop times, etc. Most supervisors know that new temporary workers may not know all the unwritten rules, so they will cut you some slack early on. However, do not take advantage of the situation. Don’t help yourself to supplies on desks and snacks in the fridge…unless invited. When you follow the rules and respect boundaries (both physical and social) within the workplace, things become much more comfortable. And people want to work with others who make them comfortable.

Be a river

Be a river and “go with the flow”. You will actually make a bigger impact and have a better work experience. Things change – especially in temporary assignments – so by remaining flexible and being ready to adapt, you will differentiate yourself in the process. Develop a “go with the flow” attitude, remain ready and step up to the plate when needed.

Now, we need to make one thing very clear. Do not go around your staffing firm employer ….just don’t. However, there is nothing wrong with contacting your supervisor and thanking her for the opportunity and her time. Again, it is a great way to differentiate yourself. And through differentiation comes more opportunities.

Ready to get started with your next great temporary assignment? The key is to work with a reputable staffing firm that knows your area and your local employers. So find your local Snelling office and contact us today.