You submitted just the resume they were looking for, breezed through the phone interview, had a long first interview and were invited back for a second. The second interview went well and you’ve been informed that they will make a decision in the next two weeks. The relationship seems to be developing nicely and you’re thinking this just might be “the one”. So what can you do (and NOT do) during those two weeks to ensure that your name stays top-of-mind without being a pest and sabotaging your chances?

A follow-up plan will help you accomplish the positive touch points while avoiding the impulse to check in too frequently, potentially giving the impression that you’re desperate. And sometimes  we ARE desperate (or at least feel that way), during a job search, but giving that impression will hurt your chances of getting an offer.

Use these follow-up options to create a plan that best fits your situation.

  1. Email thank you notes the same day as your interview.
    • Write a custom note to each contact with specific references to your discussion.
    • Briefly(!) reinforce the ways in which you can meet the company’s needs.
    • Offer to address any additional questions that come up during the decision making process.
    • Reiterate your enthusiasm for the company and the open position.
  2. Mail handwritten messages on blank or professionally-themed cards indicating your continuing interest and optimism.
  3. Call the hiring manager, offering to provide any additional information and stating that you’re looking forward to hearing from them when they make a decision.
  4. Final follow-up call after the decision deadline. It’s likely they’ve selected another candidate, but thank them for their time and re-state your interest in joining their company as new opportunities become available.

Implement any or all of these steps depending upon how long you’re waiting, the company culture and cues from your contact(s) that might indicate their receptiveness.


  • Follow contact instructions
  • Remain positive
  • Be professional
  • Wait several days between follow-ups (after the initial “Thank You”)

The waiting is the hardest part! How have you managed the post-interview waiting game? Post in the comments, and let’s talk about it!