mobile phone policyAre your employees distracted by their cell phones? If so, it is not hard to believe; everyone seems to have their head shoved into their phones these days, and it is no different in the workplace.  However, it is difficult for most people to completely turn off their cell phone at work….the need to be in contact with the outside world is real (whether it be for family or other needs).

Therefore, it is important to create an enforceable cell phone policy that will not adversely affect your company and will keep everyone happy at work. As a leading employment agency, Snelling can you walk you through your options.

Different Policy Types:

  • Outright ban – Some companies, like FedEx, have told their employees to leave their cell phones in their cars. Their point is that workers who operate equipment that can maim or kill should not be talking or texting on the phone. If the use of a cell phone is in anyway hazardous to the employees, then an outright ban might be the best solution; however, a process must be set into place to ensure that the workers are not cut off from the rest of the world.
  • A flexible use policy – addresses overuse or inappropriate use of a cell phone on a case-by-case basis. You just need to make sure that your policy is well written out and has been viewed / read / signed by all employees. That way, if enforcement becomes necessary, you have a signed / sealed policy to back you up.
  • Limited use policy – addresses cell phone use by limiting its use in the workplace during personal time (i.e. lunch time and breaks). This allows employees to have access to the powerful tools that we are dependent on, while reducing risk of mistakes or distraction on the job.

Form a Team to Design Your Policy

To design a cell phone policy that works for your workplace, you need to form a team.  Managers, HR and IT should all be involved. Do not forget legal.  Once you design a cell phone use policy for your workplace, run it past your lawyers to close up all ambiguities and loopholes, especially if you are in an industrial or regulated industry.

Questions to Address

Once you know the type of policy you need to institute and you have formed your team, here are a few questions you need to address.

  • Why do you need a cell phone policy? Is your office too noisy? Do your employees work on dangerous equipment and cannot be distracted? Do you walk by and see a large percentage of your employees checking their Facebook feed? Figuring out the “why” will help you customize your cell phone policy.
  • Which type of policy is best for your organization? Outright ban? Flexible use? Limited Use?  Look at what your employees do on a daily basis, and customize your policy around your employees’ needs to keep in touch with the outside world and workplace safety.
  • Why do employees need their cell phone? Do they strictly need to be available for emergencies? Do you make work calls or check work email on their devices?  Work with IT, to figure out if firewalls or any specific software needs to be put into place to maximize productivity.

Snelling is here to help

As a leading employment agency, Snelling can provide you with the people you need across the U.S. We offer a variety of staffing services, and we know the workplace.  Contact us today to work with one of the most trusted and reputable staffing firms in the nation.